System: PowerEdge T110, Xeon X3470, Windows 2003 Standard SP2 x86 (no upgrade path to x64 is available for our software configuration, so we're stuck w/ 32 bit)
This question was originally answered but I came across another idea after finding some software to give me better detail of my memory configuration. Originally, I asked if using 4, 1GB sticks instead of 2 2GB sticks would yield any better performance, even if extremely marginal, since it would be spreading the data load over all RAM slots. The answer was that it was extremely marginal and may yield no difference. However, upon further inspection, I found that our current RAM is CL9, which is just fine. But to revisit my original question, instead of 2 sticks of 2GB @ CL9, what if I were to use 4 sticks of 1GB each at CL7?
In sum, if all four slots were used with CL7, will the CL actually be closer to CL9 since it would take an additional cycle to access additional banks? Or would I really be getting CL9 speed over CL7? And although I understand it would be marginal, how marginal would it be, to switch from CL9 in 2 slots compared to CL7 in all 4 slots?