yesterday I had some trouble on a M1000e 10GbE PTM module. I disconnected a GBIC from the PTM module installed on port 7 of fabric B2 then after reconnecting the GBIC the link didn't come up. I tried to reboot and disconnect the blade from the chassis, I waited 1 minute before installing again the M520 Blade to drain flea power without success. Finally I rebooted the PTM and the link came up again.
The blade is a M520 with a BCM57810 module-k. The CMC on the chassis is updated to the last version as the iDRAC on the blade.
I tried to connect to the PTM console using ssh and running "show image ver" I get:
Software image short version: V1.00
Software image build: 2.0.172-201205301819-439
Is there an updated version of the firmware of the 10 GbE PTM?
Is there a way to shutdown administratively a specific port from the console of the PTM in order to reset a single port? Unfortunately yesterday I had to reboot completely the module so all the ports went down for a bit.
I found only commands to test a specific port but I couldn't find a way to reset administratively a port. I ran the test on the specific port during the problem but all of them passed.
Thanks in Advance,