I've got a couple of dell servers with lifecycle controller in our datacenters.
When I'm trying to do a firmware upgrade from ftp.dell.com I've noticed it's connecting to 2 ip addresses on ftp and
We have a strict outbound policy via a squid proxy server where*)?$ and*)?$ are allowed.
I've noticed that after the lifecycle controller firmware updated itself, on my next upgrade attempts, it tries to connect to ftp://[]/.... and ftp://[]/... (note the square brackets) via my proxy server:
1442844013.689 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 68DE4B66DBCADB99148FDA5AB50177FC 400 1442844013 0 1442844013 text/html 1244/1244 GET ftp://[]//catalog/Catalog.xml.gz;type=i
1442844013.806 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 264C908811281DBFCF23EE8384C50C65 400 1442844013 0 1442844013 text/html 1238/1238 GET ftp://[]//catalog/Catalog.xml;type=i
1442844013.922 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 0BD5789E7830E3A0D864AE3E3DC9BC46 400 1442844013 0 1442844013 text/html 1228/1228 GET ftp://[]//Catalog.xml.gz;type=i
1442844014.039 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 58A14F3F416E9AF892C7BAE93BCEA5F3 400 1442844014 0 1442844014 text/html 1222/1222 GET ftp://[]//Catalog.xml;type=i
1442844014.332 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 18373AC664741188E0E0737E6900E42F 400 1442844014 0 1442844014 text/html 1250/1250 GET ftp://[]//repository/Catalog.xml.gz;type=i
on older versions it's connecting to the same ips but without " [ ... ] "
Is there a genuine reason for adding square brackets into the ftp address ?