Hi Support,
I want to send all critical of the Dell R620/R720/R720xd SNMP Trap Event to HP OM.
May I just to load the 10892.mib to HP OM that it can receive all of the critical snmp traps ?
Or need to import other mib files to receive all of the critical snmp traps ?
Critical System Status SNMP Trap Lists :
Amperage ,Auto Sys Reset ,Battery Event ,Processor ,Proc Absent, Fan Event, Hardware Config, Memory ,BIOS ,POST ,Power Supply, PSU Absent ,Power Usage ,Redundancy, IDSDM Media, IDSDM Absent, IDSDM Redundancy, Temperature ,Temperature statistics ,vflash event voltage
Critical Storage SNMP Trap Lists :
Battery Event, Storage contrl ,Stroage enclosure ,Fan Event ,Physical Disk, Power Supply ,temperature
virtual disk
Critical Audit SNMP Trap List :