I was given this PE17fp new in the box and I have a few questions. First off I have never worked with one of these before so my questions may sound dumb. Sorry in advance.
1. The dongles I was given have a single USB and a video connector that go to an ethernet port. Are these the correct dongles for the server?
2. I was given an HP switch that looks like it is suppose to be where all the servers connect to and the KMM i tried one connection and I just get lines across the KMM screen.
3. I am not even sure how to connect this thing properly and I am unable to find a guide online. Any help would be awesome.
4. what rails can I Use to rack mount this? I do not have a Dell rack to the Dell rails are not useful. I recently bought versa rails for my PE 2950 would those work for this as well?
Thanks in advance.