My Setup:
Dell UPS Rack 5600W HV - 230V + EBM + NMC + Probe (UPS Firmware Revision : 01.04.0001; Network Management Card Firmware revision : 01.16.0001)
VMware Essentials Plus (3 hosts)
VMware ESXi 5.0.0
VMware ESXi 5.0.0
VMware ESXi 5.1.0 U1
Multi-UPS Management Console (installed on Admin local computer). In MUMC, under Virtualization I add "VMware vCenter" with vCenter Plugin. Under Views - Node List, I see my 3 hosts, and status is OK (green icon). Without touching anything, status OK remains for many days.
However, as soon as I modify (pencil, synchronize) anything (for example "location") under Management - Node Settings, the Status of all 3 hosts is set to Warning - "Reported communication error".
When googling for this error message, there is 0 pages found :(
The question is, how to find out what causes this behavior?