We built several new ESXi Hosts and included the 1.50.50 release as part of the baseline. It appears at some point over the last couple of days, it was pulled. Now the previous version 1.46.45 is there.
There is no notice on the download site with any explanation. Support had no explanation. This had to be pulled for a reason so, I need to understand exactly what's going on. Does anyone have any information?
You can still download the release notes ftp://ftp.dell.com/Manuals/all-products/esuprt_software/esuprt_remote_ent_sys_mgmt/esuprt_rmte_ent_sys_rmte_access_cntrllr/integrated-dell-remote-access-cntrllr-7-v1.50.50_Release%20Notes1_en-us.pdf