Good Morning!
I've been browsing through the internet for the past few days looking for answers on this -- The closest thing I found was trying to ugrade the firmware on the ESM --- I just can't seem to get it accomplished ....
I know it's an older server - it's been running great over the years and then I started getting the F1 to continue message -- I probably should have just left it alone ...
Anyway -- I upgraded the BIOS from A10 to the latest A21 .. that all went well. Still had the F1 to continue message -- Then in reading off the internet - there was something about upgrading the RAC firmware -- I downloaded the latest 3.38 (made my diskettes) ... that seemed to go ok until I rebooted -- then I got the Embedded Server management error .. and the fans are cranking like crazy .... I've tried all variations of different firmware to get it back == everytime I try to change the firmware I get a error on the 2nd diskette --- racadm : ERROR : racburn timeout , failed programming ... -- then it puts me back to a command prompt. That's is far as I can get. The OS will boot (2000) and I did download the A02 ESM firmware options off the Dell site -- that doesn't work either ... It gives me a message like "this does not support your current configuration" ......
Any help would be greatly appreciated!