I have a Poweredge 2950 with a single quad-core Xeon x5450 and 8GB of RAM running Windows 2003 Server R2 (32 bit). It has been flawless since birth however yesterday morning it froze, and when I got to it this morning it was displaying "1420 CPU Buss PERR".
I cycled the front panel on/off switch but did not fully power cycle the machine and it came back up and seems to be functioning but the error message on the display persists. The server Manager also shows a log entry "CPU Bus PERR: Processor sensor, transition to non-recoverable was asserted". I have not cleared the logs.
I suspect that if I power cycle the machine the error may go away but I'm wondering what I should do to find out what is going on to determine if there is some sort of hardware failure that needs to be addressed. It seems to have happened right about the time it had downloaded and began processing several updates fro Windows 2003 Server from Microsoft so that may be the culprit.