I have USB 3.0 card that is currently living in my PE2950, which I am selling before a X-country move for graduate school. I would like to move the card to my PE1950. My problem is finding a way to power the card if I do move it over. The achieve the full potential of my equipment the USB card needs additional power supplied by a molex power connector. I'm handy enough with a crimp tool and multimeter but having a schematic for the motherboard would be helpful. Unfortunately, I am guessing that it is confidential/classified/not for public consumption in Dell's opinion judging by the Google results I keep getting.
I noticed there are 4- unused spots coming off the backplane power supply from the mother board. What are the chances that I have a 12v, a 5v, and 2- ground connections available from those empties? If not....
Is there some type of Y-adapter available or has anybody solved a similar problem?