I'm interested in running the Samsung 950 Pro NVMe ssd on the Dell T20 as a boot drive.
My current config is:
4790k + 32GB RAM + 2x250gb 850 EVO + GTX 970 + Asus PCE-56U + SuperNova 550w PSU
There is a spare PCIe 16x (mechanical) which i think electrically supports x4.
I was planning to get a PCIe 3.0 adapter and use that. But I couldnt find if the BIOS supports NVMe booting? Is there any way around it? Or will I only be able to use the ssd as a storage drive?
Secondly, I recently noticed that Dell released a bios update for the T20 in March last year, but there seems to be a new driver that was released on March 08, 2016 for the Precision T1700 (A18).
I wanted to know if the T1700 driver can readily be used on the T20, since they seem to have an identical motherboard/chipset.