This error popped up in my computer's HW log yesterday - BMC OS Watchdog Timer expired
This URL said I should update my OpenManage or SUU software:
This one said to reboot to fix things:
I rebooted the server, and will monitor it to see if the error comes up again. Should I proceed to update OpenManage ? On my server support page, there are many OpenManage options to install. We don't have an OpenManage server, and I don't see any OpenManage software installed in Programs / Features.
Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit, v.3.5.1, A00
Dell Systems Build and Update Utility
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Managed Node (Windows - 32bit), v6.5
Dell Management Station Service Pack for Windows, v.5.4.0, A00
Dell OpenManage Management Station, v.5.4.0, A00
Let me know what you think.