This is a reprise of an earlier topic-
I have two R620 servers (dual 2620 CPU, 96g RAM) which were running BIOS1.6.0 and VMware. After updating them to BIOS 2.5.2 they both started showing the VLT0204 messages. This happens:
With one PSU, the other, or both inserted/energized. Also swapped the PSU's. (We had them running with a single PSU.)
Always when there are three drives inserted, most of the time with a single drive, occasionally with no drives.
Logs on both contain "The system board BP1 5V PG voltage is outside of range." and "The system board fail-safe voltage is outside of range." (at least the idrac is operating :) ).
I've also done the "pull the a/c, press Power for 30 seconds, try again" thing to no effect. Push comes to shove I can remove components for experimenting, but would like to have a plan for what this will show before I go to the data center again. Suggestions?