Is it possible to use the redundant power supplies (PS1 / PS2) on a Dell 1750/1950 to switch a server from one source of supply (supply A) to a completely different source of supply (supply B), thereby allowing supply A to be isolated for maintenance, whilst supply B provides power, without the server having to be powered down?
Once Supply A is isolated I would look to switch both power supplies to supply B.
Proposed switching program:
Normal - Supply A - PS1 / PS2 | Supply B - no load
Step 1 - Supply A - PS1 | Supply B - PS2
Step 2 - Isolate Supply A - PS1 | Device fed from Supply B - PS2
Step 3 - Supply A - no load (isolated) | Supply B - PS1 / PS2
It's not perfectly clear from the operator manual how the device switches between its power supplies.
If anyone can provide any further information it would be very much appreciated!