Hi all,
So for some reason my Dell T110 ii does not want to boot. I press the power button it starts but nothing happens. No video as well.
What I did before that was to open the server and do some dust cleaning (no chemicals, no water). I disconnected all hard drives and put them back on and ever since the server simply just wont start.
I get the number 3 diagnostic LED number which I understand means something wrong with the CPU.
Took it to a hardware shop and they tried with a different PSU, but still same thing. Also we disconnected everything (hard disks, memory - no beep btw, dvd and I think also motherboard). Nothing.
The guy told me that it is either the motherboard or CPU, but there is no way to tell.
I am just about to buy both a motherboard and CPU from ebay and amazon to get them replaced, but before doing so does anyone have any suggestions, tips?