I have been updating a set of R520 servers and one it stuck where the OS Driver Pack / Drivers for OS Deployment are stuck at ZERO.
When updating on Linux no matter what flags are used the update gives the error:
Update Failure: Process Secure Update Failed
When trying both:
-bash-4.1# ./R520_Drivers-for-OS-Deployment_Application_6MNTV_LN_14.11.02_A00.BIN -n -f -q
-bash-4.1# ./R520_Drivers-for-OS-Deployment_Application_FXMYH_LN_15.02.12_A00.BIN -n -f -q
The error persists. (the -n -f switches didnt help, just tried with and without them).
What I did next was to go into the lifecycle controller on my R520 and have the Lifecycle controller download and install the OS driver firmware which was listed as version "0".
This ended up working (temporarily) and took about 5 minutes once the update started.
Then it showed the correct version (15.02.12) as "Current"
However, upon a cold restart, it fell back to version 0 and was back to being broken.
This is should be addressed by Dell ASAP. I've tried all the usual tricks to get the OS driver pack firmware reinstalled and its stuck.
This problem started while running all the updates for the R520 on this ISO:
Seems like 15.02.12 is a bad update and bonks the OS drivers.
Others have been having trouble with M6xx servers and R7xx servers in another thread which is not being addressed.
All other firmwares on this R520 are current and seemingly working properly.
Will update post/thread with firmware manifest.
Any help getting this firmware issue straightened out is greatly appreciated.