This server has been sitting for about 8 months, and the last time I used it it was running fine. It was not connected to any power in that downtime.
It has 2x2core Xeons and 8x2GB RAM.
I decided to set it up in my rack today for a project and it would not power on at all, throwing E141C CPU Mismatch. After some troubleshooting I concluded that neither CPU would work in Socket 2, and both CPUs would work in Socket 1. Ok, I'll just run it with one CPU then...
Now it is powering up but I'm not getting any display via VGA ports and it's throwing a code for E2011 Mem Config Error. I tried all sorts of different combinations of installing those RAM modules including a single module in slot 1. If any RAM is installed in this server I get E2011, and if no RAM is installed I get the code for no RAM detected.
I moved the NVRAM jumper over, booted, shut down, moved jumper back. Same issue.
What could the problem be? I can't even get this thing to display anything I don't even know if it's posting. Worked fine last time I played with it which makes this even more frustrating.
E141C & E2011 on PowerEdge 2950-II.