I have a rack of 5 C6220 nodes which for the last couple of weeks have all been turning off for no apparent reason. The BMC logs are not very descriptive as the S5/G2 message is the only message that appears in the logs (see http://imgur.com/Pts25qF
This used to happen once in a while (maybe once every 2-3 weeks) for one machine and for that time being I ignored it. However for the last couple of weeks this happens everyday. The machines don't respond to IMPI commands after dying. I have to manually go in the data center, unplug the two power supplies and plug them back in order to be able to boot the machines.
I found another thread that seems to have the exact same symptoms as me but there is no response (see http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/poweredgec-tools/2014-November/000302.html
1.0.21. I tried to grab the lastest BIOS from Dell (BIOS_YR4WF_LN_2.5.3.BIN) but unfortunately when I run the binary I get the following error:
> BIOS Update failed using Dell RBU method.
However, I am quite skeptical this is BIOS issue as these machines never used to have this problem before. I've been running out of ideas and would appreciate any help I could get.
S5/G2: soft-off