hello all i am new here and this is my first post,
first or all let my start by saying i know nothing about servers, but i do know my way around windows xp and 7 a little.
i had an old Dell Poweredge SC1420 that i had installed windows 7 on, and i was using it on my home network for sharing files on my pc, my wifes laptop and kids tablet etc. then i discovered Plex and it rapidly became used more as a media server.
i wanted to upgrade my server to above 4gb of ram, but i couldn't do this as as the server needed a special ram cooling fan, and to be honest the cost of that plus some extra ram work out more expensive then upgrading servers, and i found a Poweredge 2900 single cpu (2.66) with 6gb of ram and 4x 160 sata and 8 caddys, it was local on ebay and i got it for just under £28.
this is where my problem starts, i was hoping to just put a HD on SATA A for an OS, then use the 4x 160's as raids, but 2 separate raids, so i had in effect 2x 160 mirrored (i think that's the correct term), and that would leave me 4 slots left, i was hoping to just put my 4 other full HD's from my old SC1420 straight into those bays. is this possible?
i have read the forum trying to find an answer, but if im honest many of the replies are above me, so could people please remember that many of the terms to do with servers and raid are alien to me.
thanks for reading