I have a 2 node (Dell R720's) cluster that was just rebuilt from 2012 to 2012 R2. It's linked to a Dell MD3200 array for the CSV.
I knew multi-pathing had to be installing to see the array properly as one drive but wasn't certain how it should be done. I installed the MPIO feature in Server Manager but I knew that there was software missing that had been there on the nodes when they ran 2012.
I figured out that it was the Dell MDSM so I installed that. Now when running the cluster validation I get errors about a DSM mismatch between nodes. It shows the Microsoft and Dell DSM's installed on both nodes which I now figure is the MPIO and the MDSM. the versions of each manufacturer's DSM do agree between the 2 nodes but of course they don't match each other.
I'm assuming I am not supposed to run both DSM's and need to uninstall one of them. Since the array is a Dell and I'm sure I remember the software being there before I wonder if I should uninstall the MPIO feature via Server Manager. If I do, will this mess up anything? I'd rather try and live with the version mismatch errors than mess up the array or cluster in any way.