Hello all:
Recently, about 2 months ago, I had to check (query) a service tag status from a still operational server. When I made this query at DELL.com support section, it reported me the correct server:
DELL PowerEdge SC1435 and the correct original configuration we bought from DELL
Today, due some external circumstances, I needed to check this same service tag again, on the same support pages, and it turns that I am getting a totally different equipment:
DELL PowerEdge 1950 and a different configuration, of course.
Why or how on earth the same service tag was ONCE assigned to one very specific (and physical product which I have in my possesion, as well as its purchase inoice from Dell), and now, it is assigned to a totally different product. ? How could this happen?
Is it possible to track and get the history of a SERVICE TAG, from the time it was FIRST assigned to a specific unit of a product ? And, the re-assignments it has suffered across time (hopefully this does not happen) ?
In fact due to an incident, we are claiming the reposition of that machine, the one with the original service tag. Now, it turns the query returns a different model of equipment (and configuration) and thus, there are problems with discrepacies, as you probably can guess.
Any comments are more than welcome, thanks in advance.