Hey guys,
I haven't seen anything on this specific model, but they are the dual 1.8GHz hex-core AMD 2419ee cpus, model CS24-NV7. I know they are unsupported and not official models. I have 2 of them. For whatever reason, they both like to just turn off when either of the CPUs reach 50c. I see nothing in the BIOS for shutoff temps, but I'm wondering if anybody else has the issue. I know a handful of people have bought these, I just don't know what to do.
They are almost useless to me as the fans have an idle setting, and a full speed setting. Even stressing 8 of the 12 cores results in 50c temps within 10 minutes with fans at full speed.
Any ideas? If I can't get these how I want them I'm just going to sell both of them off to someone at a loss who wants to deal with it.