Hello. I'm guessing that this string has long been closed out, but it is so close to my issue that I'd like to see if I can reincarnate it; and I hope perhaps you can help me too! Please do tell me where to post this if I've got it in the wrong location.
First, my issue is with an R200 Server so that's a little different. Following a power outage the system was not coming up. A clean boot ended with an error indicating that the Dell SAS 6 Host Bus Adapter controller was bad: 'ERROR! Adapter Malfunctioning!' Fortunately, I had another system and swapped out the controller and then had to go through a similar process you already described here. The message now read:
Integrated RAID exception detected: Volume (00:130) is currently in state INACTIVE/DEGRADED. I was able to address this by going into the configuration (ctl>c) and activating the mirror. Once I did that it seemed a step closer. I believe that one of the disks was detected as missing but on bootup, I now see this message incicating that it now sees the drives: (Sorry, the editing in this box isn't working well...)
HBA ID LUN VENDOR Product Revision Capacity
1 0 0 ATA ST3250310NS NA08 232 GB
1 0 Dell Virtual Disk 1028 232 GB
LSILogic SAS1068E-IR NV 28:06
And now, unfortuantely, I think windows tries to load, but I eventually end with this message: 'Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.'
I have tried loading the windows setup disk to perform this operation, but when I select 'r' it tells me that it cannot find a hard disk.
Here are my questions not necessarily in this order: 1) Do you have any advice for me at this point? 2) Is it possible that I do have a missing drive in the system and need to replace it prior for the OS repair to work?