Hi can you help please to my customer with this issue?
The servers we use have 4 NIC's
2 X 1Gig
2 X 10Gig
Unlike any other hw we had in the past, the Linux detects the ports as follow -
eth0 = 10G #1
eth1 = 10G #2
eth2 = 1G #3
eth3 = 1G #4
On another HW it is detected as follow -
eth0 = 1G #3
eth1 = 1G #4
eth2= 10G #1
eth3 = 10G #2
This fact ( 10 G before 1G ) complicates the installation, please check with dell if it’s possible to change the order of the Nics.
Anther example -
In the Idrac we see -
NIC.Integrated.1-1-1 Ethernet = C8:1F:66:ED:02:35