We're pretty new to RAID in general - and we have a R410 with a SAS 6/iR card in its storage slot - and a H700 hooked up in the PCI expansion slot. The problem is, we can only get 2 of the HDDS to recognize because we're not sure how to hook up the wires.
The H700 has 2 cables that can hook up from the back. The backplane of the hotswap device has 2 slots as well - however the riser it seems needs to be plugged in. You have the riser SAS cable plugged into the right most hotswap SAS port - and the hotswaps left port is plugged into port A of the H700.
If we plug both cables from the SAS card to the hotswap - we get an error about the riser and non detection, a fatal error of sorts. We figure its something silly we're missing or a cable we're missing - but we cant seem to find a concrete install guide and dell tech support is min $150.
Any help is appreciated!