I've inherited a "working" Power Edge 2850 with dual Xeon processors that just went off warranty a few months ago. After I racked it and powered up, it gave the error above on the LCD front panel display. I opened the box, reseated the RAM, removed the heatsink from Processor 1 and unclamped and clamped it back in place (I did not remove the CPU chip entirely, however). Same problem. Otherwise, the machine seems to go through the boot process normally - fans on high speed then back off, hard drives power up and initialize, but no display of BIOS - just LCD error and blinking orange i light and green power button.
Assuming I can't simply repair this problem, I figure I have two options: replace the Xeon 80546K with a Dell refurb ($450) - or remove PROC1 and run as a single processor. Any recommendations?