Hi there,
In September 2013 I bought a Dell VRTX + 3x M520 after having been sold the idea.
What I hadn't at the time realized was that it did not support Linux which came as a shock because I had already purchased Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization subscriptions and these simply did not work because the Shared PERC 8 controller was not being detected meaning the shared storage was not available to the RHEV Hosts.
As a temporary workarround, after having been told that Linux support would be available soon, I set-up VMWare ESXi on one host running a VM that shared the storage over to two other hosts running RHEV and under a supported method.
This workarround has work thus far but at this point I am starting to wonder if Linux support will ever be added. I am now reverting to this forum to ask a simple a straightforwad question, when (if at all) will Linux support be added to the VRTX/M520 servers?